Interaction Laws
Technology has been advancing on such an exponential growth this recent decade. Computers have been getting faster and faster. Steve Jobs thought of creating a click to the ipod so that the user felt engaged and could recognize motion. Moores Law stated that computers would grow faster and faster each year by 2. Computers year by year began to grow in speed and capabilities according to the law, his prediction was very accurate. Fitts Law states that button need be necessary and user friendly. No tricks or mis-clicks need to occur because the user needs to be un-interrupted by motion or action. Hicks Law states that web-pages or other types of mediums need to be categorized. Categories need to be useful and be capable of narrowing down items or decisions. Buttons need a purpose and the reaction needs to be accurate to the user's expectation.
Poka-Yoke principle created a realm of user friendly devices in which USB and HDMI cables are not the same shape or size; therefore computers and TVs can be easily used by the consumer. Eventually, it came down to physical interaction to create actions on computer based technologies. The trash can deletes files. The desktop is the station for which actions and interactions occur. The folders are categories for organization.
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